FOBS is the group that provides fundraising for the school and its pupils, raising money for items not already provided for in the school budget.
Friends of Buckland School (FOBS) is a parent – led organisation. Being a parent of a child at our school means that you are automatically part of the team! Any time that you are able to offer is greatly appreciated. Our main objective is to raise funds for our school which can then be re-invested into chosen projects to give our children the little extras which they can all benefit from enormously. In recent years we have helped with the purchasing and installing of new playground equipment, building a pond and garden area, purchasing iPads for the classrooms, refurbishing the school library and buying lots of new books! Each year we hold a number of fundraising activities such as coffee mornings, cake sales, discos, quiz nights, bingo, and the annual Mayfair. We are very proud of the support we receive from our parents and the local community. Visit our Facebook page for up-to-date information and future events. New ideas are always welcome.
Our biggest fundraising event is our annual May Fayre, which in 2024 raised just over £1800.
Monies raised go towards an array of costs such as subsidised school outings, enrichment for the children including new sports and gym equipment, outdoor resources, extra classroom resources and events for the children during the year including an annual Christmas Pantomime in school, school disco's and art and music workshops.
FOBS look forward to your participation in any way you are able. Please remember that all funds raised go directly to benefitting our children and our school.