School Lunches
School meals are freshly cooked by our caterers Aspens.
Key Stage 1 children (Year Reception to Year 2), are entitled to a free hot meal under the Universal Infant Free school Meals Scheme.
Key Stage 2 and Nursery children can purchase these meals at £2.55 per day.
Some children in all year groups may be entitled to Free School Meals, please see the link below for more details and an application form.
Key Stage 2 Hot School Meals inc Free School Meal Entitlement
All key stage 2 meals can only be ordered using the ParentMail system.
Each child has an individual link code which will be needed to set up an account. All siblings can be attached to the same account and also with any other siblings in other schools using the same payment system. If you need another copy of the link code letter please ask at the school office.
If your child has any specific dietary needs due to allergies, etc please read the letter below and complete the form available. The form MUST be sent to the address given on the form. Please also ensure that the school as been informed of any changes to medical needs as normal.
For meal payments please go to ParentMail. Menus are also available to view online.
Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM)
UIFSM are available for all pupils in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2, saving you approximately £550 per year! Pupils eligible for Free School Meals should apply through the portal (add link and detail)– if you need any support please do contact us.
Meals cost £2.55 each, which includes a choice of main meal and a dessert and can be ordered in the usual manner via ParentMail.
Allergies and Special Diets
Rest assured, allergies and special diets will be catered for as before. If your child has a special diet or allergy, please complete the attached form, and Aspens will ensure a suitable meal is prepared for them.