School uniform (for day to day and PE) is so important when maintaining standards and expectations. The children come to school well-presented and the following list serves as a reminder of Buckland St Mary’s School uniform. In addition, please ensure your child has a pair of wellies (labelled in a bag) in school so that they can use the field regardless of the weather.
School Day
Dark Green Jumper/cardigan (logo optional)
Dark Green and Gold Tie (KS2)
Grey or black trousers/shorts/skirt
White shirt
Green Gingham Dress
Black school shoes
PE plimsolls or trainers
Black shorts/skorts
Black or grey tracksuit bottoms for the winter
Plain white t-shirt or BSM logo
Forest School
Suitable outdoor clothing for Forest School is essential. Children must also have wellies and a spare pair of indoor shoes. For health and safety reasons, children cannot walk around in bare feet so any children without the appropriate clothing and footwear will have to miss Forest School.
School Uniform can be purchased direct from:
South West Schoolwear
Phone: 01823 278080 (Taunton Branch)